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Coppes our history

World's Largest Lumber Ledger

Bill Warner
August 09, 2018
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Welcome to Bill’s History Corner Don’t forget history makes you smart, Heritage makes you proud. Today I have a treat for some of you folks. If you that like to connect history with your own family, maybe you can do some of that with today’s History Corner. In the piles of trash that were left in the old parts of the abandoned Coppes factory, we found several ledgers. One of those ledgers listed the timber purchased from local people. Maybe your ancestors will be on the list, I don’t know, but I’m going to give you a chance to find out. Click HERE for an alphabetical listing of SOME OF the people in this timber ledger. Most of the purchases took place in teens and the 1920s.  We are up to page 123 out of ???????. This list has the person’s name, town or location, date of timber purchase and the page number where the listing is located. If you find a relative’s name on the list and want more information, email me to make an appointment to look at the book. This ledger is one of the larger and more fragile ledgers that we have in the collection. I will have it in the Coppes Commons Kitchen Cabinet Museum on the 2nd floor. We can have it out on the table in the office area so you can take your time looking. Bring your smartphone to take a picture of the page. Looking at the ledger will tell you the number/quantity of timber/trees and the species along with the dollar amount for the purchase. It will also make the historical connection with your family and the Coppes Factory. This ledger covers only a small amount of time in the history of the Coppes Company. Certainly the early sawmill was purchasing great quantities of timber in the local area plus from far-away timber stands that were shipped in by trains. The Coppes Company kept a large number of horses at the factory and teamsters on the payrolls just for the purpose of hauling logs the sawmill. Good luck! I hope you will find a connection with your family and the timber ledger. Let us know if you have more questions! Email me at .