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Coppes our history

Uncover the Rich History of Coppes
Commons and Coppes Napanee

Bill’s History Corner.

Our blog is a place for history buffs and curious Internet surfers to lose themselves in the past and take an in-depth look at the history of Coppes Commons and Coppes Napanee. Join our historian Bill Warner as he discovers and discusses pieces of our Coppes Commons heritage.

Tree 2

Tree Removal on Market Street

Bill Warner
May 08, 2020

Welcome to Bill’s History Corner. This is the place! Last fall (2019) Coppes needed to remove some large trees along Market Street. They were becoming dangerous, with large limbs beginning to fall in windstorms. I happened to be at Coppes Commons on the day the tree cutters came to remove the trees, so I thought someone should take some pictures to preserve a little part on the history of the company. This is the result of watching out of a 2nd floor window for ½ hour.

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Elvis Couldn’t Wait, Kennedy Too Late

Bill Warner
April 30, 2020

There have been rumors that the Coppes Inc. company installed kitchens in famous peoples’ homes. There are no actual (company) paper records of this. President Kennedy’s kitchen and Elvis were but two of the street legends. How do I go about confirming these rumors? I asked long-time employees and their answer was “sure I remember people talking about Elvis, I think he got a kitchen”. Is that enough proof? Or is that just reciting the legends?

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A Close Look at Francke Hardware Orders

Bill Warner
April 16, 2020

This is the place where we discuss the history of the Coppes kitchen factory. As you know, if you have been following these posts, we have boxes of business receipts from the early 1900s. We are slowly going through them. Every piece of paper has a story. The latest box we are looking at contained several receipts from the FRANCKE HARDWARE COMPANY, 43 and 45 South Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IND.

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