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Coppes our history

Uncover the Rich History of Coppes
Commons and Coppes Napanee

Bill’s History Corner.

Our blog is a place for history buffs and curious Internet surfers to lose themselves in the past and take an in-depth look at the history of Coppes Commons and Coppes Napanee. Join our historian Bill Warner as he discovers and discusses pieces of our Coppes Commons heritage.

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Thoughts on the CZ&M Flour Mill

Bill Warner
June 20, 2019
Welcome to another Bill’s History Corner. Today we are looking at three items associated with the Coppes, Zook & Mutschler Co. flour mill.
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Worlds Fair Houses Part II

Bill Warner
June 14, 2019
I love it when people contact us about some part of a History Corner. In this case, we were notified that there were five houses at the Chicago Worlds Fair in 1933, and they have had an interesting history after the fair ended.
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Coppes & Zook at the 1933 World's Fair

Bill Warner
June 06, 2019
the state of Florida (and maybe other states as well) built and furnished a model home at the Century of Progress in Chicago with Coppes and Zook furnishing the “Scientifically Designed Kitchen."
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Coppes & Zook Office Girls

Bill Warner
May 30, 2019
Today we are looking at two pictures that were labeled "Coppes & Zook office girls." As you can see, one of the photos is taken in a park-like setting, perhaps someone’s celebration day.
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